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International Tourism and Management

Release date:2021/03/11
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Formation of Research team

After ten years of construction and development, the Faculty of International Tourism and Management 's academic research outputs have become more abundant and, at the same time, three academic research directions and scientific research teams have gradually been formed. Among them, the Smart Tourism Research Team is led by Professor Ivan Lai, with its members include Assistant Professor Wendy Gao, Dr. Vivien Wu, Dr. Simon Hu, Assistant Professor Dennis Zuev, Assistant Professor Wang Xin, and Assistant Professor Chen Chen, etc. The Cultural and Leisure Research Team is led by Associate Professor Kenny J.M. Luo, with its members include Assistant Professor Esther Kou Iok Teng, Assistant Professor Chen Hong, and Assistant Professor Duan Xialei, etc. The Event and Tourism Research Team is led by Associate Professor Li Xi. The members include Associate Professor Peng Kang Lin, Assistant Professor James H.W. Shen, Assistant Professor Zhang Tao, Assistant Professor Alexandra Witte, and Assistant Professor Grace Chan, etc.

Scientific research achievements in the past three years

A few years ago, the Faculty carried out research in the field of smart tourism. Early achievements have been concentrated mainly on the acceptance and application of technology, particularly in research based on the UTAUT model, and the published papers have a high citation rate. In recent years, research on smart tourism has been extended to VR tourism research and big data analysis. Over the last three years, the Smart Tourism Research Team of the Faculty has published more than ten SSCI papers in the fields mentioned above. These research outputs are closely linked to the development of smart tourism in Macau and the Greater Bay Area.

Representative research achievements include: a research project financed by the Greater Bay Area Tourism Education and Training Base Alliance: 'Macao Film and Television Tourism Map;' a paper published in the SSCI Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology: ' The acceptance of augmented reality tour app for promoting film-induced tourism: The effect of celebrity involvement and personal innovativeness'. Paper published on Technology in Society (SSCI, Q1):'The impact of a 360◦ virtual tour on the reduction of psychological stress caused by COVID-19'.

The related research referred to above is conducive to the close integration of emerging technologies and the tourism industry and is also of great importance to the development of smart cities and smart tourism in the Greater Bay Area.


The research assistants are working on the data collections of the VR campus

Over the past three years, the Culture and Leisure Research Team has published more than 20 research papers in Science indexed journals. Among them, research results in the field of culture and leisure are mostly published in world-class tourism journals such as the Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, the Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, the Current Issues in Tourism, the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, the Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, etc. Team members also published 2 academic monographs and 2 book chapters in internationally renowned Routledge and Springer publishing houses, etc. At the same time, the Faculty's achievements in the field of culture and leisure have won many international awards. For example, the academic work "Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Gambling in Gaming Destination" by academic leader Professor Kenny J.M. Luo won the second prize in "The Fifth Macau Humanities and Social Science Research Outstanding Achievement Award" jointly organized by the Macau Foundation and the Social Sciences in China Press.

“The Fifth Macau Humanities and Social Science Research Outstanding Achievement Award” - Second prize in Book Category

The Event and Tourism Research Team mainly relies on the continuous development of the exhibition and festival industry in Macau, research on exhibitions, festivals, the hospitality industry and destination management in Macau and the Greater Bay Area and has achieved successful results. Over the past three years, the Event and Tourism Research Team has published more than 20 academic papers in SSCI indexed journals, particularly in the areas of intangible cultural heritage, gourmet tourism, FSE tourism, green exhibitions, hotel human resources, etc. Many of these results have been published in leading international tourism journals, such as Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Tourism Geographies, etc.


Associate Professor Kenny J.M. Luo (second from left) and Professor Ivan Lai (third from left) won the University Scientific Research Excellence Award

Future Development

Looking forward, the Culture and Leisure Research Team will focus more on the entertainment and leisure tourism management of Macau, as well as on innovation and the promotion of cultural tourism in the Greater Bay Area. At the same time, the Faculty will continue to encourage the research team to carry out research on event tourism and hospitality industry management, to strive to develop Macau into a world tourism and leisure center and to make outstanding contributions to the development of cultural tourism in the Greater Bay Area.

As one of the key areas for the future development of the faculty, the Smart Tourism Research Team will carry out an in-depth exploration of the application of VR in the promotion of the tourism market, tourism experience, tourism education, etc., and will systematically produce VR videos of different scenic spots to promote destinations and provide materials for experimental research. In addition, the Faculty will cooperate with the industry to develop VR technology application teaching materials in the field of tourism and to use scientific research results to drive the construction of courses and to maximize the impact of VR Tourism at the City University of Macau. On the other hand, the Faculty is also building a computational tourism science laboratory, promoting interdisciplinary research and focusing on empirical research on artificial intelligence technology in the fields of smart route planning, estimation of tourism demand, and real-time control of tourist flows at scenic spots.

With the continuous improvement of the Faculty's various laboratories and other facilities and the development of the research team, it is expected that the outputs of the Faculty's research in the field of tourism will be more substantial and will provide stronger intellectual support for the development of tourism in Macau and the Bay Area. 

Contact of Faculty of International Tourism and Management:fitminfo@cityu.mo


Academic papers published in SSCI journals in the past three years

  1. Chen, H. & Hu, B. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and responsible gambling in gaming destination by J. M. Luo and C. F. Lam, New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2016, 97pp., US$ 95 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-63485-975-2. Current Issues in Tourism. DOI:10.1080/13683500.2020.1745160 (Online) (SSCI: Q1)
  2. Choi, F., Hon, C.T., Mao, Y.H., and Lai, K.W. Ivan* (2019) “Sustainable Development for Small Economy and Diversification from a Dominant Industry: Evidence from Macao”, Sustainability, 11(6), 1626.(SSCI:Q2)
  3. Duan, X., Chan, C. S., & Marafa, L. M. (2019). Does authenticity exist in cultural theme parks? A case study of Millennium City Park in Henan, China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 17(3), 321-338. (SSCI: Q4)
  4. Duan, X., Marafa, L.M., Chan, C.-S., Xu, H., Cheung, L.T.O. (2020). Measuring the Gaps in the Projected Image and Perceived Image of Rural Tourism Destinations in China’s Yangtze River Delta. Sustainability12, 5121. (SSCI: Q2)
  5. Fan, L. & Luo, J.M. (2021).  Development of a measurement scale for residents' attitudes toward leisure activities in urban parks.  Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 33, 100360. (Corresponding author) (SSCI: Q3)
  6. Gao, B. W., Jiang, J., & Tang, Y. (2020). The effect of blended learning platform and engagement on students’ satisfaction——the case from the tourism management teaching. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 27, 100272. (SSCI: Q4)
  7. Hannam, K., Butler, G., Witte, A., & Zuev, D. (2021). Tourist’s mobilities: Walking, cycling, driving and waiting. Tourist Studies, https://doi.org/10.1177/1468797621992931. (SSCI: Q4)
  8. Hu, B.; Huang, W.; Yan, S.; Liu, G.; Zhang, T. Business Model Design and Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Customer Citizenship Behavior. Sustainability 2020, 12(17), 7047; DOI: 10.3390/su12177047 (SSCI: Q2)
  9. Hu, B.; Zhang, T.*, Yan, S. (2020). How Corporate Social Responsibility Influences Business Model Innovation: The Mediating Role of Organizational Legitimacy. Sustainability, 12(7), 2667; DOI: 10.3390/su12072667 (SSCI: Q2)
  10. Hu, X., & Yang, Y. (2020). Do lower costs necessarily induce higher value ratings? An analysis of online hotel reviews. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-17. (SSCI: Q1)
  11. Hu, X., & Yang, Y. (2021). What makes online reviews helpful in tourism and hospitality? a bare-bones meta-analysis. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 30(2), 139-158. (SSCI: Q1)
  12. Hu, X. S., & Yang, Y. (2020). Determinants of consumers’ choices in hotel online searches: A comparison of consideration and booking stages. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 86, 102370.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102370. (SSCI: Q1)
  13. Hu, X., & Li, X. (2021). How does customer psychological empowerment affect value co-creation? An empirical study of travel agencies in Mainland China. Asia Pacific Business Review, 1-29.  (SSCI: Q4) . *Corresponding author
  14. Hu, X., Yang, Y., & Park, S. (2019). A meta-regression on the effect of online ratings on hotel room rates. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management31(12), 4438–4461. (SSCI: Q1)
  15. Hua, M., Lai, K.W. Ivan, and Tang, H. (2019) “Analysis of advertising and points-exchange incentive in a reverse supply chain for unwanted medications in households based on game theory”, International Journal of Production Economics, 217, 259-268. (2018 TOP 3 in Operations Research & Management Science)(SSCI:Q1)
  16. Huawen James Shen, Libo Yan, Ben Ye Haobin & Qi Yan (2020). We are Wu: assessing Chinese fans' socio-cultural identification with the only Chinese footballer in a top European league. Leisure Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2020.1820554 (SSCI: Q3)
  17. Ip Kin Anthony Wong, Shi Xu, Suk Ha Grace Chan, Mang He ( 2019), A cross –level investigation of the role of human resources practices: Does brand equity matter? Tourism Management , 75, p 418-426. (SSCI: Q1)
  18. IpKin Anthony Wong , Erdan Ma, Grace Suk Ha Chan, GuoQiong Huang, Tong Zhao(2019)When. Do Satisfied Employees Become More Committed? A Multilevel Investigation of the Role of Internal Service Climate. International Journal of Hospitality Management.82, 125-135.(SSCI:Q1)
  19. Qian, J., Shen, H., Law, R., Chau, K. Y., & Wang, X. (2019). Examination of Chinese Tourists’ Unsustainable Food Consumption: Causes and Solutions. Sustainability, 11(12), 3475.. (SSCI: Q2)
  20. Jianwei Qian, Rob Law, Jiewen, Wei, Huawen Shen, Yuqin Sun (2020) Hotels' selfpositioned image versus customers' perceived image: a case study of a boutique luxury hotel in Hong Kong. Tourism Review. DOI: 10.1108/TR-02-2019-0078 (SSCI:Q2) *Corresponding author 
  21. Jianwei Qian, Huawen Shen, Rob Law (2018) Research in Sustainable Tourism: A Longitudinal Study of Articles between 2008 and 2017. Sustainability 10(3),590 (SSCI:Q2) *Corresponding author
  22. Ke Shen, Huawen Shen (2020) Chinese Traditional Village Residents' Behavioral Intention to Support tourism: An extended Model of the theory of planned behavior.Tourism Review. DOI: 10.1108/TR-11-2019-0451 (SSCI: Q2) *Corresponding author
  23. Lai, K.W. Ivan (2019), “Hotel image and reputation on building customer loyalty: An empirical study in Macau”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 38(1), 111-121.(SSCI:Q2)
  24. Lai, K.W. Ivan (2020) “An examination of satisfaction on word of mouth regarding Portuguese foods in Macau: Applying the concept of integrated satisfaction”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 43, 100-110. (SSCI: Q2)
  25. Lai, K.W. Ivan and Hitchcock, Michael (2020) “How gaming tourism affects tourism development through word-of-mouth communication regarding a destination: applying the integrated satisfaction theory”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(6), 610-626. (SSCI: Q3)
  26. Lai, K.W. Ivan, and Liu, Y. (2020) “The effects of content likeability, content credibility, and social media engagement on users’ acceptance of product placement in mobile social networks”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 15(3), 1-19. (SSCI: Q3)
  27. Lai, K.W. Ivan, and Wong, W.C. Jose (2020) “Comparing crisis management practices in the hotel industry between initial and pandemic stages of COVID-19”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(10), 3135-3156.(SSCI:Q1)
  28. Lai, K.W. Ivan, and Wong, W.C. Jose (2021) “From exhibitor engagement readiness to perceived exhibition performance via relationship quality”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, 144-152.(SSCI:Q2)
  29. Lai, K.W. Ivan, Hitchcock, Michael, Lu, D., and Liu, Y. (2018), “The influence of word-of-mouth on tourism destination choice: Tourist-resident relationship and safety perception among mainland Chinese tourists visiting Macau”, Sustainability, 10(7), 2114.(SSCI:Q2)
  30. Lai, K.W. Ivan, Hitchcock, Michael, Yang, T., and Lu, T.W. (2018), “Literature review on service quality in hospitality and tourism (1984-2014): The future directions and trends”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(1), 114-159. (2016 TOP 3 in Tourism) (SSCI: Q1)
  31. Lai, I. K. W., Liu, Y., & Lu, D. (2021). The effects of tourists’ destination culinary experience on electronic word-of-mouth generation intention: the experience economy theory. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(3), 231-244.(SSCI:Q3)
  32. Lai, K.W. Ivan, Lu, D. and Liu, Y. (2020) “Experience economy in ethnic cuisine: A case of Chengdu cuisine”, British Food Journal, 122(6), 1801-1817.(SSCI:Q2)
  33. Lai, K.W. Ivan, Yang, T., and Hitchcock, Michael, (2020) “Evaluating tourists’ emotional experiences regarding destination casino resorts: An impact-asymmetry analysis”, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 16, 100365.(SSCI:Q1)
  34. Li, X., Su, X., & Du, Y. (2021). The environmental sustainability of an exhibition in visitors’ eyes: Scale development and validation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, 172-182. (SSCI:Q2)
  35. Li, X., Su, X., Hu, X., & Yao, L. (2019). App users’ emotional reactions and festival satisfaction: the mediating role of situational involvement. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing36(9), 980-997. (SSCI:Q1)
  36. Lin, P. M., Au, W. C., Leung, V. T., & Peng, K. L. (2020). Exploring the meaning of work within the sharing economy: A case of food-delivery workers. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 91, 102686. (SSCI:Q1)
  37. Lin, P.M.C, Peng, K.L.*, Ren, L., Lin, C.W. (2019). Hospitality Co-creation with mobility-impaired people. International Journal of Hospitality Management77, 492-503. (IF 3.445, SSCI) (SSCI:Q1)
  38. Liu Ting, Huawen Shen, Ka Yin Chau, Xin Wang (2019) Measurement Scale Development and Validation of Female Emloyees' Career Expectations in Mainland China. Sustainability 11(10), 2932(SSCI: Q2) *Corresponding author 
  39. Liu, Y., and Lai, K.W. Ivan* (2020) “The effects of environmental policy and the perception of electric motorcycles on the acceptance of electric motorcycles: An empirical study in Macau”, SAGE OPEN, 10(1). (SSCI:Q4) *Corresponding author
  40. Lu, D., Lai, K.W. Ivan*, and Liu, Y. (2019) “The consumer acceptance of smart product-service systems in sharing economy: The effects of perceived interactivity and particularity”, Sustainability, 11(3), 928. (SSCI:Q2) *Corresponding author
  41. Luo, J.M., & Lam, C.F.  (2020). Travel Anxiety, Risk Attitude and Travel Intentions towards ‘Travel Bubble’ Destinations in Hong Kong: Effect of the Fear of COVID-19.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 7859 (SSCI: Q1).
  42. Luo, J.M., & Ren, L. (2020). Qualitative analysis of residents’ generativity motivation and behaviour in heritage tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 124-130. (SSCI: Q2)
  43. Luo, J.M., & Ye, H. (2020). Role of generativity on tourists’ experience expectation, motivation and visit intention in museums.  Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 43, 120-126.(SSCI: Q2)
  44. Luo, J.M., Chau, K.Y., Lam, C.F., Huang, G.Q., & Kou, I.T. (2018). Attitudes of Undergraduate Students from University-Industry Partnership for Sustainable Development: A Case Study in Macau. Sustainability, 10(5), 1378. (SSCI: Q2)
  45. Luo, J.M., Chau, K.Y., Lam, C.F., Huang, G.Q., & Kou, I.T. (2018). Attitudes of Undergraduate Students from University Industry Partnership for Sustainable Development: A Case Study in Macau. Sustainability. 10(5), 1378. (SSCI: Q2)
  46. Luo, J.M., Lam, C.F. & Ye, H. (2019). Barriers for the sustainable of entertainment tourism development in Macau. Sustainability, 11(7), 1378. (SSCI: Q2)
  47. Luo, J.M., Lam, C.F., & Fan, D. (2020). The development of measurement scale for entertainment tourism experience: a case study in Macau. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(7), 852-866. (SSCI:Q1)
  48. Luo, J.M., Vu, H.Q., Li, G., & Law, R. (2019). Tourist Behavior Analysis in Gaming Destinations Based on Venue Check-in Data. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36 (1), 107-118. (SSCI: Q1)
  49. Luo, J.M., Vu, H.Q., Li, G., & Law, R. (2020). Topic modelling for theme park online reviews: Analysis of Disneyland.  Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing37(2), 272-285.(SSCI: Q1)
  50. Lyu, C. Venessa, Lai, K.W. Ivan*, Ting, H., and Zhang, H. (2020) “Destination food research: a bibliometric citation review (2000-2018)”, British Food Journal, 122(6), 2021-2043. (SSCI:Q2) *Corresponding author
  51. Qiu, D., Lin, P. M., Feng, S. Y., Peng, K. L., & Fan, D. (2020). The future of Airbnb in China: industry perspective from hospitality leaders. Tourism Review75(4), 609-624. (SSCI:Q2)
  52. Qiu, H., Li, Q., Lin, P., & Peng, K. L. (2020). Factors determining the disruption from sharing economy: evidence from Airbnb in China. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-11. (SSCI:Q1)
  53. Li, Q., Li, X*., Chen, W., Su, X., & Yu, R. (2020). Involvement, place attachment, and environmentally responsible behaviour connected with geographical indication products. Tourism Geographies, 1-26. (SSCI:Q2)  *Corresponding Author
  54. Shi-Zheng Huang, Kayin Chau, Fengsheng Chien, Huawen Shen (2020) The Impact of Starups' Dual Learning on Their Green Innovation Capability: The Effects of Business Executives' Environmental Awareness and Environmental Regulations. Sustainability 12(16),6526 (SSCI:Q2) 
  55. Su, X., Li, X*., & Kang, Y. (2019). A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage Using CiteSpace. SAGE Open, 9(2), 2158244019840119. (SSCI) , *Corresponding Author
  56. Su, X., Li, X.*, Wang, Y., Zheng, Z., & Huang, Y. (2020). Awe of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Perspective of ICH Tourists. SAGE Open, 10(3), Doi: 10.1177/2158244020941467. (SSCI:Q4) *Corresponding Author
  57. Su, X., Li, X.*, Wu, Y., & Yao, L. (2020). How Is Intangible Cultural Heritage Valued in the Eyes of Inheritors? Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research44(5), 806-834.  (SSCI:Q1)  *Corresponding Author
  58. Liu, T., Shen, H., Chau, K. Y., & Wang, X. (2019). Measurement scale development and validation of female employees’ career expectations in mainland China. Sustainability, 11(10), 2932. (SSCI:Q2)
  59. Ting Liu, Huawen Shen, Jie Gao (2020) Women's career advancement in hotels: the mediating role of organizational commitment. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.32(8):2543-2561 (SSCI:Q1) *Corresponding author
  60. Vu, H.Q., Luo, J.M., Li, G., & Law, R. (2020). Exploration of tourist activities in urban destination using venue check-in data. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 44(3), 472-498. (SSCI: Q1)
  61. Vu, H.Q., Luo, J.M., Ye, H., Li, G., & Law, R. (2018). Evaluating Museum Visitor Experiences Based On User-Generated Travel Photos. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 35(4), 493-506.  (SSCI: Q1) *Corresponding author
  62. Cui, W., Shen, H., Yan, Y. Q., & Shi-zheng, H. (2020). The Impact of E-service quality in P2P accommodations on Customer Behavior Intention: Evidence from Chinese Customers. Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica, 29(5), 296. (SSCI:Q4) 
  63. Witte, A. (2020). “Chinese don’t walk?”–The emergence of domestic walking tourism on China’s Ancient Tea Horse Road. Journal of Leisure Research, 1-22. (SSCI: Q4)
  64. Witte, A. (2021). Revisiting walking as mobile place-making practice: a discursive perspective. Tourism Geographies, 1-23. (SSCI: Q2)
  65. Wong, I. A., Fong, H. I. V., Leong, A. M. W., & Li, J. X. (2019). Predicting event tourists’ gambling decision: the cross-level effect of brand equity. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (SSCI:Q1)
  66. Wong, W.C. Jose, and Lai, K.W. Ivan* (2018), “Evaluating value co-creation activities in exhibitions: An impact-asymmetry analysis”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(1), 114-159. (SSCI: Q1) *Corresponding author
  67. Wong, W.C. Jose, and Lai, K.W. Ivan* (2019) “The effects of value co-creation activities on the perceived performance of exhibitions: A service science perspective” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 39(1), 97-109. (SSCI: Q2) *Corresponding author
  68. Wong, W.C. Jose, Lai, K.W. Ivan, and Tao, Z. (2019), “Memorable ethnic minority tourism experiences in China: A case study of Guangxi Zhuang Zu”, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 17(4), 508-525.(SSCI:Q4)
  69. Wong, W.C. Jose, Lai, K.W. Ivan, and Tao, Z. (2020) “Sharing memorable tourism experiences on mobile social media and how it influences further travel decisions”, Current Issues in Tourism, 23(13), 1773-1878.(SSCI:Q1)
  70. Wu, J., Li, X.*, Gao, B., & Su, X. (2020). The Effects of Serious Leisure Involvement on Subjective Well-Being and Successful Aging: A Case Study of Young-Old Participants in Chinese Seniors’ Universities. SAGE Open, 10(1), Doi: 10.1177/2158244020914559. (SSCI:Q4) *Corresponding Author
  71. Xi Li, Xinwei Su, Yingchuan Wang. (2020). Experiential branded app engagement and brand loyalty: An empirical study in the context of a festival, Journal of Psychology in Africa, (10), Doi: 10.1080/14330237.2020.1821312. (SSCI: Q4)
  72. Xu, M., Lai, K.W. Ivan, and Tang, H. (2020) “From corporate environmental responsibility to purchase intention of Chinese buyers: The mediation role of relationship quality”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour. (online) (SSCI: Q3)
  73. Y.G. Zou, Y. M. He, W. L. Lin, S. Fang. (2020).  China’s regional public safety efficiency: A data envelopment analysis approach. The Annals of Reginal Science, (Accepted) hettp://doi.org/10.1007/s00168-020-01025-y (SSCI:Q2)
  74. Yang, J., Luo, J. M., & Lai, I. K. W. (2021). Construction of Leisure Consumer Loyalty from Cultural Identity—A Case of Cantonese Opera. Sustainability, 13(4), 1980. (SSCI: Q2) *Corresponding author
  75. Yang, T., Lai, K.W. Ivan, Fan, Z.B., and Mo, Q.M. (2020) “Interactive service quality on the acceptance of self-service ordering systems for the restaurant industry”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, (online)(SSCI:Q2) *Corresponding author
  76. Yang, T., Lai, K.W. Ivan, Fan, Z.B., and Mo, Q.M. (2021) “The impact of a 360◦ virtual tour on the reduction of psychological stress caused by COVID-19”, Technology in Society, 64, 101514. (SSCI: Q1) *Corresponding author
  77. Yang, Y., Park, S., & Hu, X. (2018). Electronic word of mouth and hotel performance: A meta-analysis. Tourism Management, 67, 248–260. (SSCI: Q1)
  78. Ye, H., Fong, L, & Luo, J.M. (2021). Parasocial Interaction on Tourism Companies’ Social Media Sites: Antecedents and Consequences.  Current Issues in Tourism.  https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1764915. (SSCI: Q1) *Corresponding author
  79. Ye, H., Luo, J.M., & Vu, H.Q. (2018). Spatial and temporal analysis of accommodation preference based on online reviews. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 9, 288-299. (SSCI: Q1) *Corresponding author
  80. York Qi, Huawen Shen, Yun Yang (2019) How 'dama' becomes drama—assessing the ideological forces underlying open air group dances by Chinese senior females. Leisure Studies.39(4):558-567 (SSCI: Q3)
  81. Zhang, T., Chen, J., & Hu, B. (2019). Authenticity, Quality, and Loyalty: Local Food and Sustainable Tourism Experience. Sustainability, 11(12), 3437; DOI: 10.3390/su11123437 (SSCI: Q2)
  82. Zhang, T., Wen, H., & Li, X. (2019). A Tourist-Based Model of Authenticity of Heritage Sporting Events: The Case of Naadam. Sustainability, 11(1), 108.  (SSCI: Q2)
  83. Zhang, X., Lai, K.W. Ivan, Fu, J., and Tang, H. (2020) “Hazard analysis of bidder collusion in reverse auctions based on Petri nets”, IEEE Access, 8, 89546-89561.(SSCI:Q1)
  84. Zhao,Y.M.,Chau,K.Y.,Shen, H.W.,Duan, X.L.,& Huang,S.Z.(2020) The influence of tourists’ perceived value and demographic characteristics on the homestay industry: A study based on social stratification theory. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Managemen,45,479-485. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2020.10.012 (SSCI: Q2)
  85. Zhong, Y., Lai, K.W. Ivan, Guo, F., and Tang, H. (2020) “Effects of Partnership Quality and Information Sharing on Express Delivery Service Performance in the E-commerce Industry”, Sustainability, 12(20), 8293. (SSCI: Q2)

