李璽 澳門城市大學國際旅遊與管理學院執行副院長 (博士生導師)
xli@cityu.mo 85902519
2020年9月至今 澳門城市大學國際旅遊與管理學院 教授 執行副院長 博士生導師
2016年9月至2020年8月 澳門城市大學國際旅遊與管理學院 副教授 博士生導師
2011年9月至2016年8月 澳門城市大學國際旅遊與管理學院 全職客座教授 副院長 博士生導師
2005年9月至2011年8月 澳門科技大學國際旅遊管理學院 副教授 課程協調主任
Liu, J., Leou, E. C., Chen, C., & Li, X. (2023). Can Trust Bring Satisfaction to the Festival Under Pandemic? SAGE Open, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440221147248 (SSCI)
Wong, I. A., Sun, D., Xiong, X., & Li, X. (2023). Craving alterreal authenticity through the post-postmodern lens: An experimental inquiry. Tourism Management, 94, 104654.
Chen, S. X., Feng, Y., Li, X., & Liu, J. (2022). Response of travel agencies in China to COVID-19: disaster sensemaking, adaptation, and resilience. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-16.
Liu, J., Li, X.*, Zhang, L., Lu, Q., & Su, X. (2022). Authenticity, psychological ownership and tourist commitment in heritage tourism: the moderating effect of cultural intelligence. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2022.2153650 (SSCI)*Corresponding author
Juan Liu, Xi Li*, Hong Chen, Xinwei Su & Runzhe Yu (2022) Bed and Breakfast (B&B) social servicescape and customer satisfaction: Positive emotion mediation and sex moderation, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 32:2, 152-158, DOI: 10.1080/14330237.2022.2028071 (SSCI)(*Corresponding author)
Li, X., Xie, J., & Chen, S. X. (2022). Cannot wait to share? An exploration of tourists' sharing behavior during the 'traveling to the site' stage. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-18, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2106192 (SSCI)
Li X., Xie J., Feng Z., & Chan H. (2022), Exploring residents' helping and tolerant behavior through the lens of cultural intelligence, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management,50(3), 232-244, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2022.02.008. (SSCI)
Li X., Liu J., Su X., Xiao Y& Xu C. (2022), Exploration of leisure constraints perception in the context of a pandemic: an empirical study of the Macau Light Festival, Frontiers in Psychology, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.822208. (SSCI)
Li X., Liu J., & Su X. (2021). Effects of motivation and emotion on experiential value and festival brand equity: The moderating effect of self-congruity, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, DOI:10.1016/j.jhtm.2021.11.015. (SSCI)
Chen, H., Li, X.*, Chiu, T., & Chen, F. (2021). The Impact of Perceived Justice on Behavioral Intentions of Cantonese Yum Cha Consumers: the Mediation Role of Psychological Contract Violation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. (SSCI) *Corresponding author
Zhu, L., Li, X.*, & Wang, Y. (2021). The Impact of Social Capital on Residents' Supportive Attitude to Tourism Development: The Mediation Role of Perception of Justice. SAGE Open. DOI: 10.1177/21582440211047591. (SSCI) *Corresponding author
Li, X., Xiao, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Influence of Scenic Theme Shopping Environment on Tourist Impulsive Purchasing Behavior: Taking Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Kingdom as Example. Areal Research and Development, (4), 112–117. (CSSCI)
Li, X., Yu, R., & Su, X. (2021). Environmental beliefs and pro-environmental behavioral intention of an environmentally themed exhibition audience: the mediation role of exhibition attachment. SAGE Open, DOI: 10.1177/21582440211027966. (SSCI)
Hu, X. Li, X.*. Kou, I.T. Su, X.W. (2021). Macau residents’ attitude to the free independent travelers’ policy (FIT): from the perspective of ABC model and group comparison. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2021.1940223. (SSCI) *Corresponding author.
Li, X., Su, X., & Du, Y. (2021). The environmental sustainability of an exhibition in visitors’ eyes: Scale development and validation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, 172-182. (SSCI).
Hu, X., & Li, X.* (2021). How does customer psychological empowerment affect value co-creation? An empirical study of travel agencies in Mainland China, Asia Pacific Business Review, DOI: 10.1080/13602381.2021.1872915. (SSCI) . *Corresponding author
Su, X., Li, X.*, Wang, Y., Zheng, Z., & Huang, Y. (2020). Awe of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Perspective of ICH Tourists. SAGE Open, 10(3), Doi: 10.1177/2158244020941467. (SSCI) *Corresponding Author
Su, X., Li, X.*, Wu, Y., & Yao, L. (2020). How Is Intangible Cultural Heritage Valued in the Eyes of Inheritors? Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(5), 806-834. (SSCI) *Corresponding Author
Wu, J., Li, X.*, Gao, B., & Su, X. (2020). The Effects of Serious Leisure Involvement on Subjective Well-Being and Successful Aging: A Case Study of Young-Old Participants in Chinese Seniors’ Universities. SAGE Open, 10(1), Doi: 10.1177/2158244020914559. (SSCI) *Corresponding Author
Su, X., Li, X.*, Chen, W., & Zeng, T. (2020). Subjective vitality, authenticity experience, and intangible cultural heritage tourism: an empirical study of the puppet show. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37(2), 258-271. (SSCI) *Corresponding author.
Xi Li, Xinwei Su, Yingchuan Wang. (2020). Experiential branded app engagement and brand loyalty: An empirical study in the context of a festival, Journal of Psychology in Africa, (10), Doi: 10.1080/14330237.2020.1821312. (SSCI)
Qun Li, Xi Li*, Wei Chen, Xinwei Su, Runzhe Yu. (2020). "Involvement, place attachment, and environmentally responsible behaviour connected with geographical indication products, Tourism Geographies, Doi:10.1080/14616688.2020.1826569. (SSCI) *Corresponding Author
XIAO, Y. LI, X*. (2019). A comparative study of the authenticity perception of Chinese and foreign tourists in cultural heritage sites: a case study of Beijing. Journal of arid area resources and environment. (CSSCI) *Corresponding Author
Li, X., Su, X., Hu, X., & Yao, L. (2019). App users’ emotional reactions and festival satisfaction: the mediating role of situational involvement. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36(9), 980-997. (SSCI)
ZENG,T., LI, X.* (2019). Optimization of diversified development of Macau tourism: from the perspective of the relationship between tourist type and tourism leisure experience quality. Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition),(5),49-59. (CSSCI) *Corresponding Author
Zhang, T., Wen, H., & Li, X. (2019). A Tourist-Based Model of Authenticity of Heritage Sporting Events: The Case of Naadam. Sustainability, 11(1), 108. (SSCI)
Su, X., Li, X*., & Kang, Y. (2019). A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage Using CiteSpace. SAGE Open, 9(2), 2158244019840119. (SSCI) , *Corresponding Author
Wong, I. A., Fong, H. I. V., Leong, A. M. W., & Li, J. X. (2019). Predicting event tourists’ gambling decision: the cross-level effect of brand equity. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (SSCI)
HU X, LI X*. (2019). Study on Macao residents' support intention towards independent visitor scheme: The moderating role of local attachment. World Regional Studies, 28(2):179-190. (CSSCI) , *Corresponding Author
ZHANG Tao,LI Xi,WEN Huijun. (2019). Study on the impact of folk festival authenticity on tourism experience. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 33(6). 192-197 (CSSCI)
Xi Li, H.W.Shen, Hui Jun Wen (2016) A Study on Tourists Perceived Authenticity towards Experience Quality and Behavior Intention of Cultural Heritage in Macao. International Journal of Marketing Studies. Vol 8 (4):117-123
Shen, H., Li, X., Luo, J. M., & Chau, K. Y. (2017). One country, two strata: Implications of social and cultural conflicts of Chinese outbound tourism to Hong Kong. Journal of destination marketing & management, 6(3), 166-169. (SSCI)
Li, X., Yin, A., & Luo, J. M. (2015). An Analysis of Cultural Differences Effect on Tourist Behaviors in Macau. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 7 (5), 25-32.
Leong, A. M. W., & Li, J. X. (2012). A study on English teaching improvement based on stakeholders' needs and wants: The case of the Faculty of International Tourism of the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST). Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 11(1), 67-78. (SSCI).
LI Xi, YE Sheng, WANG Dong. (2011). Non-structured Measurement of Perceived Image in Tourism Destinations——a Case Study of Perceived Features of Macau Business Tourists. Tourism tribune, 26(12), 57-63. (CSSCI)
Li, X., & Leong, A. M. W. (2011). Model analysis and development strategy on building an industrial research and development (R&D) Centre: Shanghai's practice and inspiration. Social Development & High Technology Industries Strategies & Applications.
Leong M.W. Aliana & Li X. (2013), The Correlation Mechanism of Interactive Development in the Mice and Gaming Industry: The Perspective of Stakeholders, International Journal of Business and Management Studies,CD-ROM., Vol. 2, No. 1, 409–420. UniversityPublications.net. ISSN: 2158-1479
Li X. and Leong M. W.(2011). Model Analysis and Development Strategy on Building an Industrial Research and Development (R&D) Centre - Shanghai's Practice and Inspiration. In Pablos P. et al (Editors), Electronic Globalized Business and Sustainable Development through IT Management: Strategies and Perspectives, IGI Global Publishing, USA.
Leong MW, Aliana, & Li X. (2011) A study on tourism management in China on radio Frequency indentification(RFID) technology, in Lytras M , Pablos P et al (Editors), Digital Culture and E-Tourism: Technologies, Applications and Management Approaches, IGI Global Publishing, USA.
李璽:城市商務旅遊競爭力:評價體系及方法的創新研究,旅遊學刊,2010(4). (CSSCI)
梁文慧, 李璽:文化遺產旅遊與澳門城市發展互動策略研究:遊客的視角,International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM),2010,Vol.1 No.4
李璽,毛蕾:澳門世界文化遺產旅遊的創新性開發策略研究——遊客感知的視角,旅遊學刊,2009(8). (CSSCI)
李璽,毛蕾:旅遊目的地形象演變的策略研究——典型區域分析及對澳門的啟示,旅遊科學,2009,(4) (CSSCI)
Xi L. (2018) Treat or Threat? Social Impact of the Individual Visit Scheme of China Mainland Tourists on Macau, Li Wen Publishers Co. LTD
馬勇, & 李璽. (2018). 旅遊規劃與開發(第四版). 高等教育出版社.(教育部十二五國家級規劃教材)
馬勇, & 李璽. (2012). 旅遊規劃與開發. 高等教育出版社.(教育部十一五國家級規劃教材)
澳門基金會:Social Impact of the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) Of Chinese Mainland Tourists on Macau Evidence from Macau Residents,主持人,2017。
武漢旅遊集團發展戰略規劃 (2002)
長江航運集團發展戰略規劃 (2002)
福建省旅遊業發展總體規劃 (2001)
湖北大悟縣旅遊發展總體規劃 (2001)
湖北安陸蜜蜂寨景區旅遊詳細規劃 (2001)
宜昌三峽黃牛岩旅遊景區修建性詳細規劃 (2002)
福州市旅遊發展總體規劃 (2001)