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城市規劃與設計 & 設計學與遺產科學

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  • Zhou, L., Shen, G.Q., Li, C.S., Chen, T., Li, S.H., Brown, R. (2021). Impacts of land covers on stormwater runoff and urban development: A land use and parcel based regression approach. Land Use Policy, 103, DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105280.
  • Shen, G.Q., Zhou, L., Aydin, G. (2020). A multi-level spatial-temporal model for freight movement: The case of manufactured goods flows on the U.S. highway networks. Journal of Transport Geography, 88, DOI:  10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102868.
  • Quan, S., & Li, C. (2020). Urban form and building energy use: a systematic review of measures, mechanisms, and methodologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110662.
  • Song, Y., Li, C., Zhou, L., Huang, X., Chen, Y., & Zhang, H. (2020). Factors affecting green building development at the municipal level: a cross-sectional study in China.  Energy and Buildings, 110560.
  • Zhou, L., Li, S., & Li, C. (2020). Visualising the dynamics of COVID-19 cases leading to inbound transmission in Hong Kong. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, DOI: 10.1177/0308518X20961395.
  • Li C., Song Y., Tian L., & Ouyang W. (2020). Urban form, air quality, and cardiorespiratory mortality: a path analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 1202.
  • Chen Y., Song Y., & Li C. (2020). Where do people tweet? the relationship of the built environment to tweeting in Chicago, Sustainable Cities and Society, 52, 1-14. 
  • Li C., Song Y., Kaza N., & Burghardt, R. (2019). Explaining spatial variations in residential energy usage intensity in Chicago: the role of urban form and geomorphometry, Journal of Planning Education and Research, DOI: 10.1177/0739456X19873382.
  • Yang, H., & Wang, L. (2019). Testing the constant commuting time hypothesis amid substantial changes to transportation and land use: case study of Portland, Oregon 1994-2011. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, USA. ttps://trid.trb.org/view/1572622.
  • Zhou, L. (2018). Correlations of Stormwater Runoff and Quality, Urban Pavement and Property Value by Land Use at the Parcel Level in a Small Sized American City. Water, 11(11), 2369. DOI: 10.3390/w11112369.
  • Wang, L., Gregor, B., Yang, H., Weidner, T., & Knudson, A. (2018). Capturing the built environment-travel interaction for strategic planning. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 11(1), 1287-1308.
  • Wang, L., Gregor B., Yang H., Weinder T., and Knudson T., (2018). Development of a Multi-modal Travel Demand Module for the Regional Strategic Planning Model. 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
  • Zhou, L., Shen, G. Q., Woodfin, T., Chen, T., Song, K. (2018). Ecological and Economic Impacts of Green Roofs and Permeable Pavements at the City level: The Case of Corvallis, Oregon. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61 (3), 430-450.


  • 王伯勛(2020)。《澳門‧創意城市與文化設計》。北京:清華大學出版社。ISBN 9787302572602
  • ZHANG YY and WANG PH (2021) INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS OF ARCHITECTURAL STYLES IN THE HISTORICAL CENTER OF MACAU. Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design(デザイン学研究).
  • 任玉潔、邢亞龍(2020)。澳門出土的克拉克瓷器的淵源及紋飾特征考察。藝術大觀,5(51),113-116。
  • 周峻嶺、王伯勛(2020)。基於空間句法的澳門直街空間型態研究。裝飾,324,136-137。
  • 李孟順(2018)。應用BIM助推澳門智慧城市的建設,《亞太城市建設與管理實務論壇》。北京:北京建築大學。
  • 李孟順(2017)。澳門唐家花園遺址空間活化,《2017年建成遺產:一種城鄉演進的文化驅動力國際學術研討會論文集》。上海:同濟大學。
  • WANG PH and LI WC (2017) Protection and Development for Famous Historical and Cultural City Districts in MACAU. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 18(4): 1552-1559.
  • 邢亞龍、王伯勛、盛劍(2016)。從環境意象角度解讀特色街區建設-以澳門望德堂坊街區為例。美與時代,636,78-82。








