歡迎進入 澳門城市大學 科研管理處

田一輝 副教授

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田一輝  澳門城市大商學院副院長


 yhtian@cityu.mo    85902678

澳門城市大學商學院 副院長

















◆ Lin, H., Qu, T., Li, L., & Tian, Y. (2019). The paradox of stability and change: a case study. Chinese Management Studies, 14 (1), 185-213. (CSSCI)

◆ Wang, W., Tian, Y., Zhu, Q., & Zhong, Y. (2017). Barriers for household e-waste collection in China: Perspectives from formal collecting enterprises in Liaoning Province. Journal of Cleaner Production, 153, 299-308. (SCI)

◆ Huang, B., Zhao, J., Geng, Y., Tian, Y., & Jiang, P. (2017). Energy -related GHG emissions of the textile industry in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 119, 69-77. (SCI)

◆ Zhu, Q., & Tian, Y. (2016). Developing a remanufacturing supply chain management system: a case of a successful truck engine remanufacturer in China. Production Planning & Control, 27(9), 708-716. (SCI)

◆ Agyemang, M., Zhu, Q., & Tian, Y. (2016). Analysis of opportunities for greenhouse emission reduction in the global supply chains of cashew industry in West Africa. Journal of Cleaner Production, 115, 149-161. (SCI)

◆ Feng, Y., Tian, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2016). A combined input–output/ decision making trial and evaluation laboratory method for evaluating effect of the remanufacturing sector development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 103-113.(SCI)

◆ Tian, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2015). GHG emission assessment of Chinese container terminals: a hybrid approach of IPCC and input -output analysis. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 7(6), 758-779. (SSCI)

◆ Tian, Y., Zhu, Q., Lai, K. H., & Lun, Y. V. (2014). Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions of freight transport sector in China. Journal of Transport Geography, 40, 43-52. (SSCI)

◆ Tian, Y., Govindan, K., & Zhu, Q. (2014). A system dynamics model based on evolutionary game theory for green supply chain management diffusion among Chinese manufacturers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 80, 96-105. (SCI)

◆ Zhu, Q. H., Wang, Y. L., & Tian, Y. H. (2014). Analysis of an evolutionary game between local governments and manufacturing enterprises under carbon reduction policies based on system dynamics. Oper. Res. Manag. Sci, 23, 71-82. (SSCI)

◆ Tian, Y., Zhu, Q., & Geng, Y. (2013). An analysis of energyrelated greenhouse gas emissions in the Chinese iron and steel industry. Energy Policy, 56, 352-361. (SSCI)

◆ Zhu, Q., Tian, Y., & Sarkis, J. (2012). Diffusion of selected green supply chain management practices: an assessment of Chinese enterprises. Production Planning & Control, 23 (10-11), 837-850. (SCI)



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